Name : Ahmad Al-Farooqi
Position : Team Manager / Resource
The team manager is the chief executive person responsible for managing the team. He organises meetings and keeps everyone involved and informed of the latest developments and news. He works closely with all members of the team and offers his assistance where necessary. He ensures that the primary and back-up cars are ready for the competitions. He inspires the team to co-operate and achieve their utmost best.

Name : Zaiyani Sabran
Position : Design Engineer

The design engineer is responsible for the developing and styling of the aerodynamic performance of the car design. He has to co-operate with the manufacturing engineers to ensure that their ideas can be realised and understood.
Name : Razan Rosman
Position : Manufacturing Engineer

The manufacturing engineer are responsible for advising team members on the manufacturing of the car and the construction of the machining process. They need to co-operate with the design engineers to report and help solve any problems with the construction of the car.
Name : Khairul Hafiz
Position : Graphic Designer

The graphic designer is responsible for the production of the colour schemes applied to the vehicle, including any special sponsorship details, together with the final graphic image and any additional team marketing materials.He is responsible for the portfolio and final presentation.He has to work with the design engineer to ensure that chosen schemes will fit the shape of the vehicle.He must also work with the resource manager for additional marketing development.
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